This is a story of a girl named Amanda Cota. She committed suicide in 2009. Leaving behind her loving family. She was bullied into this decision. This is a word from her mother:
"Its been a little over 2 years since I lost my beloved daughter Amanda. When you become a parent those children in your life become just that, your life! At first I did nothing but sit around numb. Not knowing what to do, I had to throw up my hands and it was like God and Amanda grabbed on. I learned the true meaning of forgiveness. I took everything I had left and started a battle, a battle to not let this happen to another child. Too many times do I hear, "oh how strong you are," but behind closed doors I break down many nights even to this day. I sometimes sit waiting to hear her radio turned up a little too loud so I could go see her and say hey turn it down a bit kiddo. The thing I really miss the most is the smell of her hair as I would brush and braid or curl it for her every other night. Do we ever heal? I think never.. do we live life after.. we have to. I found in 2 years instead of the why me, why my daughter... I say thank you God for giving me the most beautiful gift in the world for 16 years... and for that I am thankful of those 16 years, oh how many times i still find my greedy side coming out in screams, give her back to me she is mine.. but in reality she is not she was a gift to me for a short time and I was blessed. Amanda's life lives on though in 5 people who received a gift from her, I have only talked to one, he wears a pink ribbon tattoo around his small toe for he received bones from her which had built a foot for him to walk again. So I know she is still walking with us. I may not be like most, who have lost a child, due to I gave it all to God, but we all have a void with us for rest of our lives util we meet again. As parents we have only the memories to live with and those are the things I have found keeps you going, on a bad day.. a memory brings me back and eases me." Kellie Walters
If you'd like more information on this story this is her website:
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